Where technology meets affordable pricing without compromising quality!
Check out all the features we offer down below.


With testimonials from major businesses!

In partnership with PCCI – New Marikina

NFCNexus proudly launched its first major website project. This platform is designed to efficiently manage registered business owners, facilitating seamless connections and networking opportunities among them. With its own AI named Charlie, the project aims to foster a collaborative environment, enabling businesses in Marikina City to thrive through enhanced communication and resource sharing. This initiative marks a significant milestone for NFCNexus, showcasing its commitment to driving innovation and supporting the local business community.

Below is a list of features offered by NFCNexus, ranked by their usefulness. You can mix and match these tools and functionalities to implement on your soon-to-be website. Choose the features that best suit your needs to create a powerful and engaging online presence!

Gabriel Edward Besmonte


CEO & Founder


AI Integration

NFCNexus now supports the integration of advanced AI technology and chatbots into our services. This innovation streamlines customer service by eliminating the need for staff to assist customers directly. With AI-driven support, businesses can provide efficient, round-the-clock assistance, ensuring customer queries are addressed promptly and accurately. This enhancement not only reduces operational costs but also improves the overall customer experience, allowing businesses to focus on growth and development.


Monetization Options

Additional advertising spaces on your website allow businesses to promote their products or services, generating extra revenue. Premium listings or featured spots in your business directory give businesses more visibility, attracting more customers. This helps businesses stand out in a competitive market.


Real-time Results

Your website can feature search results that provide real-time information, including business reviews, comments, descriptions, and contact details. Your site visitors can receive immediate, comprehensive data about businesses, enabling informed decision-making. This feature keeps users up-to-date with the latest information.


Ads Services

Verified businesses on your website can advertise their products or services, boosting their visibility. Promotional materials provided by the businesses are displayed accurately. This service enhances marketing efforts and competitiveness.


Contact and Partnership Opportunities

A prominently displayed “Contact Us” button on your home page can redirect users to a comprehensive Google Forms page. This simplifies the process of getting in touch and expressing interest in partnerships. Businesses can easily advertise their products and services online, fostering collaboration and growth.


QR Code System for Accredited Businesses

Your accredited businesses can be provided with unique QR codes for verification. Users can scan these QR codes to instantly access detailed business information. This system ensures authenticity and provides quick access to essential details.


Dedicated News Section

Your website can have a dedicated news page archive that keeps users updated with your activities, achievements, and business news. This section ensures users stay informed about the latest developments. The newest updates portion on the home page can highlight recent news and accomplishments, keeping information front and center.


SEO and Digital Marketing Services

Content creation and management services, including blog posts, news updates, and social media management, can enhance your online presence and engagement. Management of online advertising campaigns, such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads, boosts visibility for your business. This drives traffic and conversions.


Continuous Maintenance and Support

Ongoing maintenance includes regular updates, security checks, and troubleshooting to keep your website running smoothly. Different levels of technical support packages are available, from basic support to premium 24/7 support. This ensures your business is still running even when you’re on vacation!


Hall of Fame Directory

Your Hall of Fame directory can showcase verified members, including their names, companies, positions, and contact information. This feature recognizes outstanding members and promotes networking among them. It fosters a sense of community and collaboration among verified members.


Business Directory

An online business directory can allow users to search for businesses by categories, tags, and keywords. This functionality helps your visitors find contact personnels relevant to their needs. Comprehensive business profiles can include detailed information, such as employee contact numbers, basic information, and descriptions, providing a thorough overview.


Interactive Home Page with Integrated Map

Your website can feature an interactive map highlighting the locations of your accredited businesses. Site visitors can explore various businesses with ease by visually locating their desired services or products. This interactive map enhances user experience by providing a visually engaging way to find local businesses.


Search Bar Integration

The search bar can be seamlessly integrated with the interactive map, allowing visitors to find businesses by name, category, or keyword. Users can quickly locate specific businesses or services, improving their search efficiency. This feature ensures that users have a smooth and intuitive search experience.


Advanced Analytics and Reporting

Advanced analytics dashboards can track your website’s performance, user engagement, and other key metrics. Detailed monthly or quarterly reports provide insights and recommendations based on website analytics. This helps your business make data-driven decisions and improve strategies.
